9 reasons why dishwasher door leaking

Tuesday, 31 May 2022

Dishwasher leaking door is an unusual and unpleasant event in the kitchen. Dishes are washed in a tightly sealed compartment inside the dishwasher. So, different factors and components are guilty for a dishwasher leaking door. Here, we are going to speak about 9 common reasons for this problem and the ways to solve it.

Tip: if you have studied the article about dishwasher parts and their functions, you can follow us in your dishwasher troubleshooting more easily.

Warning: unplug your dishwasher before starting any troubleshooting or repair operation.

Siphon effect a reason for dishwasher leaking door

Siphon effect sometimes occurs during water draining process in the dishwasher. The drain water comes back to the appliance and leaks out. Incorrect piping can cause this syphon effect.

Note: dishwasher drain hose should enter the drain exist at least 65 cm from the floor and not more than 15 cm of the hose end should be inside the drain exist. There should also be enough space around the drain hose for the air flow.

We have talked about dishwasher installation earlier in another article. studying the article will help you prevent some problems related to bad installation like the siphon effect.

Faulty spray arms can make the dishwasher door leak

Faulty spray arms can make the dishwasher door leak

If your dishwasher door is leaking, check the spray arms for not being clogged. They should also spin freely.

If the spray arms are clogged or broken, water can't be properly sprayed on the dishes and may leak out of the door gasket. The water level can also increase and leaks out.

It's so easy to unplug the spray arms. Take a needle and clean the holes out. Replace the spray arms, if they are broken.

Too much rinse aid may leak out of the dishwasher door

Rinse aid is used to speed up the drying process and make the dishes shiny. But if you use too much rinse aid especially when the water in your area is so soft, there will be a lot of foam that can leak out of the dishwasher door. So, pay attention to the dishwasher manual instructions and use sufficient amount of rinse aid, not less, not more.

Badly positioned baskets can cause the dishwasher door to leak

Badly positioned baskets can cause the dishwasher door to leak

The dishwasher baskets in which you place the dishes, move on some rails. The upper basket is usually attached to the dishwasher water circulation system at the back. So if it is incorrectly positioned, the door won't close properly and water leaks out of the dishwasher door.

Note: pay attention to positioning the lower basket too. It's a common mistake to insert it the wrong way around.

Defective door gasket a common reason for dishwasher leaking door

The door gasket is used to ensure the appliance is completely watertight during the wash cycle. A dirty, torn or displaced gasket can cause the dishwasher door to leak. So, put it back in position or replace it if necessary to avoid any leaking.

Tip: If the new gasket is a so hard and can't be easily positioned, let it remain in warm soapy water for a while, then use it.

Note: the new gasket should be compatible with your dishwasher. Otherwise, it can't be a good seal to prevent leaking.

Faulty pressure switch a reason for dishwasher door leaking

The dishwasher pressure switch controls the water level inside the appliance. So, if it is defective, the dishwasher will be filled with too much water which may leak out of the door. Use an ohmmetre to check the pressure switch and replace it if necessary.

Blocked air gap make the dishwasher leak from the door

The dishwasher air gap can be blocked by food residue and debris. So the water flow will get restricted and it will leak out of the dishwasher door. It's so easy to solve this problem. Remove its metal cap and clean it. Check the tube attached to the gap for not being clogged too.

Tip: air gap is a small opening on the sink to prevent syphon effect.

Clogged drain line or filters can cause dishwasher door leaking

The drain line is under the dishwasher and filters are at the bottom inside the tub. They can be clogged by the food residue and bits of debris. So water can't go out anywhere and leaks out of the door. Just clean the line and the filters more often to solve and prevent this problem.

Note: you can use a solution of equal parts of baking soda and white vinegar to unclog the drain line. Let it sit for a while and then wash with hot water.

Loose door screws can lead to dishwasher leaking

The simplest reason for dishwasher door leaking is loose screws. They don't let the door firmly close and cause dishwasher leaking. You just need a screwdriver to solve this problem.

Every factor that stops draining water from the dishwasher or damages its door insulation, will cause dishwasher door leaking. Here we mentioned 9 common reasons for this problem. If you need more information about dishwasher operations and repair, don't miss Dishwasher Training Course in HelloTechnic website. Our instructors will teach you everything about dishwasher installation, service, troubleshooting and repair through films and animation to make you a skilfull repairman.