Refrigerator unusual noises and the repair

Tuesday, 11 January 2022

Hearing some noises from a new refrigerator is quiet normal. All new refrigerators make some noise. But some noises are unusual and should make you concerned. Here we're going to tell you how to distinguish refrigerator unusual noises and the way to remove them and repair your fridge.

First, we're going to speak about different kinds of unusual noises your refrigerator may have and then the relation between these noises and the source of them will be discussed.

Refrigerator unusual noises based on the type of the noise

Refrigerator vibrating noise

If the refrigerator is not level or is not installed on a flat surface, you will probably hear a vibrating noise. To repair this refrigerator problem, you just need to turn refrigerator leveling legs to make it even. Use a spirit level tool to make sure the problem is removed.

Refrigerator vibrating noise

Refrigerator dripping noise

Dripping noise may be caused by oil flow or refrigerant flow in the compressor. This is a natural noise and there is no need to worry. The refrigerant flow has a hissing noise which is also normal. So, there is no need to do any refrigerator repair in case of hearing these noises.

Refrigerator gurgling noise

The refrigerator gurgling noise can be made by temperature change inside and outside the fridge and also ice making process. The defrost operation of the refrigerator will also have a gurgling noise. This is the noise of ice melting and entering the drain tray. It is a natural sound and means the defrost operation is being properly done in the fridge. But if water is spilling out at the same time, the drain tubes might be faulty and the refrigerator should be repaired soon.

Refrigerator gurgling noise

Refrigerator buzzing noise

The buzzing noise may be a sign of water filling in the water dispenser. If the water dispenser is connected to the main water tab of the kitchen, the noise is natural. If not, you should turn off the dispenser or ice maker to fix the problem.

Note: if the ice maker is not connected to the water tap, keeping it on all the time will be damaging.

Tip: the buzzing noise can also be heard during refrigerator compressor or fan adjustments to increase their efficiency and is natural. But if it turns into a loud noise, you should examine the source and repair it if necessary.

Refrigerator clicking noise

If your refrigerator is connected to the water tap, hearing a clicking noise is normal. If not, turn off the water dispenser or the ice maker.

 Sometimes the compressor and fan can also make this clicking noise, when adjusting their operation. So, when the refrigerator is changing and adjusting its function to cool down different parts, hearing the clicking noise is natural.

The refrigerator rattling noise may be the result of moving water tubes inside the fridge or moving items on the refrigerator. Try not to put any object on the fridge. A loud rattling noise from inside the refrigerator should be carefully examined for not making any more damage.

Sometimes the refrigerator walls hit the kitchen wall or cabinet around it. So, leave enough space around your refrigerator.

Tip: leaving enough clearance space around your refrigerator will prevent the annoying noises and also provide a good ventilation for proper fridge operation.

Refrigerator rattling noise

Refrigeration sizzling noise

Sometimes during defrost process, water dripped on the heater with a sizzling noise which is quiet normal.

Refrigerator squeaking noise

The sound of ice cubes falling into the ice compartment can be followed by a squeezing noise of moving ice molds. This noise is natural too.

Refrigerator squeaking noise


Refrigerator knocking noise

This noise can be caused by contraction and expansion of refrigerator inner walls. This is also a normal refrigerator noise and is usually heard when the refrigerator is cooling down for the first time or during the defrost cycle. So, no repair is needed.

Refrigerator compressor prolonged noise

Modern refrigerator compressors work longer than old ones. If the room is hot, a lot of food is recently added to the fridge, refrigerator door is opened many times or is left open accidentally, compressor works longer and will have a louder noise.

Note: in large refrigerators, compressors do work quietly and long, but if your refrigerator works nonstop and your electricity bill goes up, there is definitely a problem that should be repaired.

Refrigerator unusual noises based on their source

Noises from inside the refrigerator

These refrigerator noises are usually related to the fan behind the back panel inside the fridge. Press the door switch. If the noise gets louder, the problem is definitely with the fan and should be replaced or repaired.

Noises from the back side of the refrigerator

These noises are related to the compressor, condenser fan or defrost timer. Studying the article about refrigerator different parts and their functions will help you identifying the noises. If the fan is covered with dust, it can make unusual noises and should be replaced or repaired.

If the problem is with the compressor or defrost timer, it should be replaced too.

Tip: as we mentioned before, a dusty condenser fan can make unusual noises. In order to remove this problem, unplug the refrigerator at least once a year for 72 hours. Remove the refrigerator back panel and clean the fan.

What you read here can help with distinguishing refrigerator unusual noises and removing them. If you still hear some other unusual noises, call a technician or watch refrigerator training videos in HelloTechnic website to be a technician yourself. Our experts will teach you all important points about refrigerator installation, service, troubleshooting and repair, all through films and animations.