9 common reasons why your dishwasher won't turn on

Wednesday, 02 March 2022

Dishwasher not returning on can be so annoying, especially when all the dishes are dirty and you need a clean one. The reason for dishwasher not turning on can be so simple and solved so easily by checking some simple points. But if you are not qualified enough to do that, ask a technician to help you.

Here we are going to talk about 9 common reasons for a dishwasher not turning on. If you have studied the article about "dishwasher components and parts", you can follow us in this article more easily.

Note: the points we mention here are almost common between all dishwasher models and can solve the problem.

Warning: before doing any service or repair operation on your dishwasher, make sure you've unplugged it.

Faulty door switch prevents the dishwasher from turning on

Faulty door switch prevents the dishwasher from turning on

The door latch assembly is used to keep the door closed during the wash cycle to avoid any leaking. The door lock switch supplies electricity to the dishwasher control panel. If the door is not completely closed or the switch is faulty, the dishwasher controls don’t receive electricity and dishwasher won't turn on.

The door lock assembly is usually located on top part of the dishwasher, behind the control panel.  Disassemble the lock and the switch and check it with a multimeter. Replace the faulty parts if necessary.

Faulty timer or electronic controls a reason for the dishwasher not turning on

Faulty timer or electronic controls a reason for the dishwasher not turning on

Usually the first step of any dishwasher washing cycle is draining the water that may have remained at the bottom of the appliance. If you don't hear the pump sound in this level, it means the timer or the electronic control is faulty.

Dishwashers can have a manual timer or an electronic board. Both are located behind the control panel on top of the door. Check them with a multimeter and make sure they are working properly.

Warning: you should work with direct electric current for checking the electronic board function. So, be careful and ask a skilled technician to do it if necessary.

Faulty selector can cause the dishwasher not to turn on

Faulty selector can cause the dishwasher not to turn on

The Selector is used for choosing different washing cycles in the dishwasher. If it is faulty or the buttons are stuck, the dishwasher won't turn on. First make sure the buttons are not under pressure and stuck. Then disassemble it and check the pins using a multimeter. Selector is usually located on the control panel and the internal door panel should be opened to access it.

Faulty power supply doesn't let the dishwasher turn on

The simplest reason for a dishwasher not turning on can be the appliance being unplugged or the tripped circuit breaker.

Tip: sometimes you should just unplug the dishwasher and then plug it back in after 20 minutes to solve the problem.

Faulty start relay can be a reason for dishwasher not turning on

Faulty start relay can be a reason for dishwasher not turning on

The start relay is usually installed just beside the motor and is used to supply power to the motor start windings to run. If you are sure the motor receives electricity but your appliance doesn't turn on, the start relay may be faulty. Check the relay pins using a multimeter and replace it if necessary.

Faulty thermal fuse can cause the dishwasher not to turn on

Faulty thermal fuse can cause the dishwasher not to turn on

The thermal fuse is used in dishwasher having electronic controls. It protects the control board. It is designed to burn out first, cutting power to the dishwasher, so the other components are not harmed. If the fuse blows, it should be replaced because it doesn't let the dishwasher turn on.

Faulty wash pump prevents the dishwasher from turning on

Faulty wash pump prevents the dishwasher from turning on

The wash pump or circulating pump enables water to circulate in the dishwasher and be sprayed onto the dishes. If the pump is defective, the dishwasher won't turn on. Test the pump coils with a multimeter and replace it if necessary.

Faulty pressure switch doesn't let the dishwasher turn on

Faulty pressure switch doesn't let the dishwasher turn on

Pressure switch controls the water level in the dishwasher tub. If the switch is defective, it sends wrong messages to the control board. So the dish washer won't turn on. Test the pressure switch using a multimeter.

Note: the new electronic models of dishwasher pressure switches can’t be tested easily by multimeters.

Blocked drain pump is a reason for the dishwasher not turning on

Blocked drain pump is a reason for the dishwasher not turning on

As its names indicates, drain pump evacuates water from your dishwasher. A blocked drain pump doesn't let the dishwasher turn on. It is usually located under the appliance. Disassemble the pump and clean it to solve the problem.

The points we mentioned here, are the common reasons for a dishwasher not turning on. There might be some other reasons too like blocked solenoid valve, blocked water distributor, activated anti leak mechanism, broken door latch, etc. You can learn everything about dishwasher installation, service, troubleshooting and repair by watching dishwasher training course in HelloTechnical website to start your job as a skilled repairman.