7 tips for installing a refrigerator

Monday, 13 December 2021

Installing a refrigerator is not a complicated job and doesn't need any specific tools. In the article named "10 most needed tools for refrigeration repair", we have mentioned all the tools you might need during refrigeration installation and repair. Here we're going to tell you some important tips to properly install your refrigerator.

1. The first thing you should consider in refrigerator installation is the installation place. Carry the fridge to its specific location and make sure there is some space at the back between the fridge and the wall.

You need at least 5 cm clearance at the back and 20cm on top to ensure the airflow which makes your refrigerator work efficiently.

7 tips for installing a refrigerator 1

Tip: have you ever thought about the reason behind this spacing? Your refrigerator removes heat from the food inside and sends it out through the coils which are usually located at the back. So, there should be enough space for this heat exchange. Leaving a suitable space between the fridge and the back wall helps the appliance to easily adjust the inside temperature and prevents the compressor from working excessively.

2. Make sure your refrigerator can easily be moved after installation because the coils at the back of the fridge should be regularly cleaned to ensure the efficient heat exchange.

Note: the coils in some refrigerator models are not easily accessible and you don't see any at the back of the fridge. In this case, just clean the back wall with a damp cloth.

Tip: if your refrigerator is not equipped with some tiny wheels, you can put a thin rug at the bottom of the appliance or put it on rollers to easily pull it forward.

3. Never plug in your refrigerator immediately after it is delivered or after moving it to a new place. Let it rest some hours (at least half a day), then turn it on. In this way, you'll prevent a lot of serious problems in its function.

Tip: have you ever heard about compressor oil. Your refrigerator need this oil for its proper functioning. The compressor oil prevents the erosion of the fridge inner parts. After moving your refrigerator, you should be 100% confident that the oil has returned to compressor tank. So, you should let the fridge to rest for a while. If the compressor oil enters the refrigerant system tubes, it will destroy the whole machine.

Note: always use a refrigerator voltage protector to plug in your appliance after installation. Make sure to use an earthed socket outlet.

4. Install your refrigerator away from heating appliances like microwave or the oven. Try to locate them on the opposite sides in the kitchen. Also try to install your fridge away from the direct sunshine.

7 tips for installing a refrigerator 2

5. Use a level tool to make sure your refrigerator is istalled totally even, not declining to one side.

Tip: it is recommended to decline your fridge a little backwards, so that the door is easily closed.

6. Plug the refrigerator individually in an outlet and try not to use any power strips.

7. And the last point, consider enough space at the front of the refrigerator so you can easily open its door and use it.

The points mentioned here are so important for properly installing the refrigerator. If you need more information, don't miss the refrigerator training course in HelloTechnic website. Our instructors will teach you all information about refrigerator installation, service, troubleshooting and repair, all through films and animation to make you a professional technician.